Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Want to go green with just the click of a mouse?

Check out,
100% Biodegradable bags
that break down at the same rate as an apple!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

national hemp day!

It is April 20 (4/20). In honor of the this date I propose we make this National Hemp Day to raise awareness of this valuable cash crop which is illegal to grow in the United States. It is illegal to grow hemp because law enforcement has a hard time distinguishing this plant from its intoxicating cousin. Hemp products are not illegal, hemp food and textiles are available everywhere.

Thanks to: Th i s * i s * i t

Monday, April 18, 2011

"We can't communicate with any 'lower' species on Earth.

Maybe aliens can't communicate with us for the same reasons"

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oreo's Law

Oreo's Law has been reintroduced in the New York State Legislature.

Thankfully, this year Alley Cat Allies has stood up for the animals and unequivocally embraced Oreo's Law,

calling killing when the animals have a place to go the ultimate form of "animal cruelty."

We agree. The wording has been changed this year to cover some of the worries about it that people had expressed last year.

You can read the full legislation here. You can also go to or Oreo's page to learn more.