Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Old Dogs, Old Friends(to be cont'd)

we had a comment(!)

listen up!

a friend from the old nabe wrote in...

I see I have your attention

we've heard

from a couple of friends

even though we've tried very hard to stay incognito

these old photos

tie us together

sooner or later

I hope

we all
find each other again !

the shirley street gang
winthrop, mass 1959


Anonymous said...

I like the dog picture.

Anonymous said...

Gosh we were cute! I've never seen that picture before, thanks for posting it -

Anonymous said...

So cute!! Wow you are connecting!
I had my little cowboy boots too. loved them.
Your dog was a cutie too!
Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

How is it I don't remember that dog???

What a cutie patootie! What was his name?
