Friday, April 11, 2008

Saratoga Springs - In Our be cont'd

A ride along the Hudson River on Metro North is a
lovely way to get to Saratoga Springs.

Yes, they allow well behaved dogs!
(this is not Stella or her cup of tea - she hated the clanking noises, we drove)

we visited the beautiful

Seven Sisters Bed & Breakfast

as well as the lovely Saratoga Sleigh -

I took the liberty

of posing on their porches


since neither allows dogs...

we highly recommend

the incredible and amazing

Union Gables Inn.
($25 pet fee)

The historic Furness House

was built in 1901

at 55 Union Avenue by R. Newton Brezee.

It's a beautiful example of the Queen Anne style of architecture.

Racing season hadn't started yet...

but we visited the race course anyway.
Lots of great smells there.

I kept hearing "see! biscuit! " so many times I thought for sure I was going to get one!

Instead all I got was this lousy job,

posing by this statue of a huge, fake horse.

I loved our visit
to Saratoga Springs!

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