Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another bad hair day for OldDog's mom.

Dear Stella,

You might be amused
to know that tw
o weeks ago
my hair-cu
tter was so immersed
in our con
versation about your vocal performance on my CD
that not o
nly did she well up
and shed
a few tears,
she also cut off a lot more of my hair
than ever

She attempted to cover by saying
this was a "
summer" cut
but I ain
't buying any of it.

After 2 weeks of growth
I'm still not a happy camper.

This "do"
most closely resembles that
of John Ritter's character in "Sling Blade"
r it??) - NOT meant to flatter.
I don't have much hope that it will improve
any time soo

So...guess I'll be wearing a hat and exploring other options!

I just hope you're somewhere
having a good laugh about this!

love always,

"Good Night New York" at 4:11

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